Suggestions For 3rd Year, Restoration and 18th Century FictionShort Questions and Broad Questions

Part B ( Short Questions)
(Restoration and 18th Century Fiction)
1. How does Aphra Behn describe the native people of
Surinam? [Page-34]
3. Describe the beauty of Imoinda. [See A Critical Study,
4. How was Oroonoko turned into a slave from a Prince?[Page-32]
5. Describe Oroonoko's encounter with the numb eel. [See A
Critical Study Guide, Page - 176]
6. How does the numb eel reflect the fate of Oroonoko? [Critical
Study, Page-177]
7. Who is Byam? What do you know about his council? [Page-36]
9. Describe the significance of Oroonoko's death. [Page-40]
10. Describe the horrors of slavery presented in
"Oroonoko". [Page-28]
11. Why does Oroonoko take up arms again? [Page 32]
12. How does Oroonoko fall in love with Imoinda? [Page-30]
13. Give a short account of Oroonoko. [Page-29]
14. Why was Oroonoko attracted towards Imoinda? [Page-38]
15. How did Imoinda die? [Page-37]
Robinson Crusoe
1. What did Crusoe's father advise him about his ambition?
2. What was the effect of a furious storm at Crusoe's first
voyage? [Page-94]
3. How did Crusoe escape from his state of slavery? [Page-96]
4. How did Crusoe build his habitation in the island? [Page-101]
5. How did Crusoe approach God for his sin of disobedience?
6. How did God respond to Crusoe's prayer? [Page -105]
7. How did Crusoe witness a group of cannibals feasting on human
flesh? [Page-110]
8. How did Friday make a new boat to escape with Crusoe?
9. How did Crusoe attack the savages and rescue the
European? [Page-114]
10. Give a brief accout of the birth and parentage of
Robinson Crusoe. [Page-93]
11. How did Crusoe become a slave from merchant? [Page-96]
12. Write a note on the foot-print episode in "Robinson
Crusoe."/ How did Crusoe discover foot-print? [Page-121]
13. How did Crusoe produce corn in that deserted land? [Page-103]
14. How did the shipwreck happen? [See A Study Guide,
15. How did Crusoe keep a note of his passing days on the
island? [Page-102]
16. How did Crusoe reach England? [Page-120)
Tom Jones
1. What do you know about Allworthy and his sister? [Page-175]
2. How was it established that Mr. Partridge was the true
father of Tom Jones? [Page -177]
3. What do you know about Sophia Western? [Page – 179]
4. What happened when Squire Allworthy became ill? [Page-181]
5. Why did Sophia faint to see Tom in the fields? [Page-181
6. How did Tom leave the house of Squire Allworthy? [Page-182]
7. How did Sophia flee from her father's house? [Page-183]
8. How was Tom Jones released from the Prison? [Page-187]
9. How was the truth about Tom's parentage disclosed? [Page-188]
10. How were Tom and Sophia united in the long run? [Page-188]
11. How was Tom Jones imprisoned? [Page
12. How did Tom get shelter in Allworthy's house? [Page-176]
13. What discovery was made about the parentage of Tom? [Page-176]
14. How did Tom help Black George's family in distress? [Page-178]
Gulliver's Travels
1. How was Gulliver taken to the capital city from the
sea-shore How was Gulliver brought to the metropolis? [Page-250]
2. How was Gulliver searched in Lilliput? [Page-251]
3. What did the candidates for job do in Lilliput to obtain
greater employment? [Page-251]
4. Who were the high-heels and low-heels in Lilliput? [Page-253]
5. What did Gulliver inform the King about the use of
gunpowder in his native country? [Page-265]
6. How did Gulliver reach the island of Laputa? [Page-267]
7. How was the nature of the inhabitants of Laputa? [Page-267]
8. Why did the women in Lagado prefer strangers to their
spouse! [Page-269]
9. Why did Gulliver want to leave Laputa? [Page-271]
10. How was the Queen impressed by Gulliver a the time of
their meeting. [Page-261]
11. How did the king react when Gulliver proposed him to
produce gunpowder to be more powerful? [Page-265]
12. Who were the Big Endians and little Endians? [page- 253]
13. Write a short note on the Houyhnhnms. [Page-292]
14. How was Gulliver fed by the Lilliputians? [Page-249]
15. How did the King of Brobdingang receive Gulliver? [Page-262]
16. How did Gulliver react after meeting with his own
family? [Page-281]
17. How did Gulliver reach the country of the Lilliputians?
18. What was the common feature of people, animals and trees
in Lilliput? [Page-254]
Part C ( Broad Questions)
(Restoration and 18th Century Fiction)
1. Comment on the narrative style of "Oroonoko".
2. Describe Aphra Behn's attitude towards slavery as
expressed in Oroonoko. [Page-59]
3. Discuss the theme of anti-colonialism in Arpha Behn's
Oroonoko. [Page-57]
4. Give an account of the major themes of Oronooko. [Page-56]
5. Sketch the character of Oroonoko. [Page-60]
Robinson Crusoe
1. Write a note on the theme of sin, punishment and
repentance in "Robinson Crusoe." [Page-144]
2. Comment on the themes of commerce in the novel
"Robinson Crusoe."[ Page-148]
3. Comment on the spiritual regeneration of Robinson Crusoe.
4. The story of Robinson Crusoe is a truthful representation
of human life. [Page-146]
5. Do you think Robinson Crusoe to be a man of action rather
than a man of thought? Justify your answer. [Page-139]
Tom Jones
1. What is the theme of the novel Tom Jones? [Page -204]
2. Comment on the plot construction of the novel Tom Jones.
3. Evalute Henry Fielding's art of characterization in 'Tom
Jones'. [Page-210]
4. Comment on Fielding's concept of morality and sexuality
in 'Tom Jones'. [Page-208]
5. Comment on the discovery of Tom's parentage at the end of
the novel 'Tom Jones'. [Page-209]
Guillerver's Travels
1. Examine Swift's use of Lemuel Gulliver as a narrator and
an observer. [Page-326]
2. How does Swift satirise the contemporary politics of
England through his voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag? [Page-306]
3. Do you think Swift is a misanthropist? Justify your
answer. [Page-307]
4. "Swift was a great humanist in spite of his being a misanthropist"-
Substantiate. [Page-308]
Short Notes
(Restoration and 18th Century Fiction)
- · Miss Bridget
- · Black George
- · Romance Hero
- · Rope-Dancing
- · Comic-epic
- · The High-Heels and Low-Heels in Lilliput
- · Glumdalclitch
- · The Indian Mistress
- · The Father of Waters
- · The Shipwreck
- · The Discourse on Marriage
- · The Terrible Dream
- · Picaresque novel
- · Squire Allworthy
- · The king of Brobdingnag
- · The Flying Island