Chaucer, Previous Year Brief Questions With Answer (M.A .Final in English)

- M.A .Final Year
- Department of English
- Subject:Chaucer
- Subject Code:311101
- Prepared By: Mofizur Rahman
- 2014 to 2019
Brief Questions:2019
a) What does spring symbolize in “The Prologue”?Ans: Spring symbolizes rebirth and Fresh beginnings in the Prologue.
b) How does Chaucer praise April?*
Ans: Chaucer praises April as it is the rebirth and renewal.
c) What was the destination of the pilgrims?
Ans: Polymouth Colony in the newly discovered America.
d) What is a Prologue?*
Ans: A piece of writing found at the beginning of a literary work.
e) How many wives does Chaunticleer have?
Ans: Seven wives.
f) What is Partelote’s theory of dreams?
Ans: Dreams are caused by gas and indigestion from overeating.
g) What kind of poem iis”The Nuns Preusts Tale”?
Ans. The Nuns Priest Tale is a beast feable.
h) Whom does Chaucer invoke at the beginning of “Troilus and Crisyde”?
Ans. Tisiphone,one of the Greek Furies, to be his mouse.
i) Where did Crisyde see Troilus at frist?
Ans. At the temple of Apollo.
j) What was the favorite pastime of the Monk?
Ans. The favourite pastime of the Monk is hunting.
k) Where did Pandarus put Criseyde at night?
Ans. Pandarus puts Crisyde in a private chember.
l) Who is Madam Eglantine?*
Ans. The Prioress.
Brief Questions 2018
a) What is Canterbury?Ans. A cathedral city in southeast England,was a pilgrimage site in the Middle Ages.
b) What is the setting of “Troilus and Crisyde”?*
Ans. It is set in Troy at the time of the war with Greece.
c) What is a beast feable?
Ans. A beast feable is a moralistic prose or verse in which animals speak and act like human beings.
d) Why did Chaunticleer love Partelote most?
Ans. Becauaw she was the most charming and attractive.
e) What was the Firar’s name?*
Ans. Hubert.
f) What does “the black sea” symbolize?
Ans. The “black sea” symbolizes Troilus’s despair in his love for Crisyde.
g) What is courtly love?*
Ans. It is a late meadieval code of love which is prevailed in Europe in the medieval period in European aristocratic society especially in the court of kings.
h) Where did the pilgrims assemble?***
Ans. At the Tabard Inn in Southwark, across the Thames from London.
Ans. At the Tabard Inn in Southwark, across the Thames from London.
i) How many pet animals did the widow have?*
Ans. Three large female pigs,three cows and one sheep.
j) How were the teeth of the wife of Bath?
Ans. The wife of Bath was gap-toothed.
k) What is the function of a Summoner?*
Ans. Summoner called offenders before the judge.
l) What remedy does Pertelote offer to ‘purge’ Chaunticleer of his nightmare?*
Ans. Pertelote advised Chaunticleer to take a laxative that could purge himself of choler and melancholy.
Brief Questions 2017
a) What is a Prologue?Ans: A piece of writing found at the beginning of a literary work.
b) What is the name of Host?
Ans. Harry Bailey.
c) Who was the sergeant-at-Law?
Ans. The sergeant-at-Law was a judge at the session of the law courts.
d) Why did the Doctor of Physic love gold?
Ans. As gold is and ingredient in preparing certain medicines,the Doctor of Physic loved gold specially.
e) What is a Tale?
Ans. A true narrative story which is imaginatively recounted.
f) Why did Chaunticleer pray to God?
Ans. To make his dream have a good meaning and keep his body out of a foul prison.
g) Who was Nero?
Ans. Nero was a Roman king during whose reign Rome was destroyed in a great fire.
h) What is the moral of the poem “The Nuns Priest’s Tale?
Ans. Never to trust a flatterer.
i) Why did the Greeks attrack aTroy?
Ans. The Greeks attracked the Troy for the stealing of Halen by Paris.
j) What did Chaunticleer dream?*
Ans. A beast tried to grab his body and kill him.
k) Who was Pandants?
Ans. A loose-hanging piece of jewellery,generally attached by a small loop to a necklace,which may be known as ‘pendant necklace’.
l) What is the subject matter of Troilus song?
Ans. The emotion.
Ans. The emotion.
Brief Questions 2016
a) Where did the pilgrims assemble?Ans: At the Tabard Inn in Southwark, across the Thames from London.
b) Who is the Nun’s priest?
Ans. From The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales,we come to know three priests.The Nun’s priest is one of these priests.
c) What is the job of a Pardoner?
Ans. A Pardoner is a trafficker in indulgences.
d) Who was Pharaoh?
Ans. The ancient Egyptian kings were known as Pharaohs.
e) What is the name of the Prioress?
Ans. Madam Eglantine.
f) Who is Saint ThomasBacket?
Ans. St. Thomas Backet,who was born in London,England,on December 21,1118,was the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 untill his murdeer in U70 by Henry ll’s knights.
g) Who was Diomede?
Ans. The son of Tydeus and King of Argos,is a hero in the Trojan war and he seeks Crisyde’s love and ultimately wins it.
h) How will Troilus avange his sorrow?
Ans. As Troilus is gentle and tender hearted that he will avange his sorrow not with anything else but death.
i) What was the name of the Colfox?
Ans. Sir Russell.
j) What is Troilus’s opinion to Crisyde ‘s long letter?
Ans. Troilus finds a great change in the character of Crisyde,yet,as a lover, always hope for the best,he believes that Crisyde will keep her promise.
k) Who was the Wife of Bath?
Ans. She was the woman of Bath.
Ans. She was the woman of Bath.
l) What did the Host propose after the pilgrims had reached the watering spots of Saint Thomas?
Ans. Host proposed that they should draw lots and whoever would draw the shortest would tell the first story.
Brief Questions 2015
a) What does the Host of Tabard Inn propose to pass the time?Ans. He proposes that each pilgrim would tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two tales on the trip home.
b) What is the extraordinary talent of Chaunticleer?
Ans. Chaunticleer has no peer in crowing.
c) What is beast feable?*
Ans. A beast feable is a moralistic prose or verse in which animals speak and act like human beings.
d) Who is the father of Crisyde?
Ans. Calchas.
e) What is the function of a Summoner?
Ans. Summoner called offenders before the judge.
f) What remedy does Pertelote offer to ‘purge’ Chaunticleer of his nightmare?
Ans. Pertelote advised Chaunticleer to take a laxative that could purge himself of choler and melancholy.
g) What is the setting of ‘Troilous and Crisyde’?
Ans. It is set in Troy at the time of the war with Greece.
h) How many animals did the widow have?
Ans. Three large female pigs,three cows and one sheep.
i) What is courtly love?
Ans. It is a late meadieval code of love which is prevailed in Europe in the medieval period in European aristocratic society especially in the court of kings.
j) After Cupid shoots Troilus,what is the first thing he sets his eyes upon?
Ans. Criseyde.
k) What is the name of Friar?
Ans. Hubert.
l) How does the Book III of ‘Troilus and Crisyde’ open?
Ans. Book III opens with a prayer to Venus.
Brief Questions 2014
a) Why does Chaucer praise April?Ans. Chaucer praises April as it is the month of rebirth and renewal.
b) Why did people travel to Canterbury?
Ans. To recieve special blessings.
c) What is a mock-heroic poem?
Ans. A form of satire which is written in the style of epic but deals with a trival subject.
d) What was Chaunticleer dream?
Ans. A beast tired to grab his body and kill him.
e) Where did the pilgrims assemble?
Ans. At the Tabard Inn in Southwark, across the Thames from London.
f) What is the job of a Reeve?
Ans. A Reeve was a manager and accountant of lord.
g) Who is Troilus?
Ans. The youngest son of King Prium and wooer of Crisyde.
h) What did Pertelote advice Chaunticleer to take?
Ans. To eat some earth-worms to remove his choler and to eat some herbal lore such as laurel,centary, fumitory, berries etc.
i) Who was Andromache?
Ans. The wife of the Trojan hero, Hector.
j) Which incident is “The Nuns Priest Tale” based on?
Ans. Reynard cycle.
k) Who is the owner of the Tabard Inn?
Ans. Harry Bailey.
l) Name some of the great personalities referred to in “Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?
Ans. Thr Knight,the Squire,the Prioress,the Monk,the surgent of law etc.
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