Honours 4th Year Syllabus or Book List For English Department - অনার্স ৪র্থ বর্ষের সিলেবাস PDF

Mofizur Rahman

Honours 4th Year Syllabus or Book List For English Department - অনার্স ৪র্থ  বর্ষের সিলেবাস PDF

Honours 4th Year Syllabus or Book List For English Department - অনার্স ৪র্থ  বর্ষের সিলেবাস PDF

Honours 4th Year 
Syllabus or Book List For English Department
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এর অধীনে (ইংলিশ ডিপার্টমেন্ট এর)
অনার্স ৪র্থ  বর্ষের বিস্তারিত সিলেবাস বা বুকলিস্ট।
নিচের পিডিএফ বাটনে ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোড করে নিতে পারেন।

আপনাদের অনার্স ৪র্থ  বর্ষের মোট সাবজেক্ট রয়েছে ১০ টা। লিখিত পরীক্ষা হবে ৯ টা এবং বাকী ১ টা হবে ভাইবা। সেগুলো হলো:-
  1. Nineteenth Century Novel
  2. Twentieth Century Poetry
  3. Modern Drama
  4. Twentieth Century Novel
  5. American Poetry
  6. American Literature: Fiction and Drama
  7. Classics in Translation
  8. Literary Criticism (From Victorian to Modern Age)
  9. Continental Literature
  10. Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching
  11. Viva-voce

৪র্থ  বর্ষের জন্য আপনাদের যে সব বইসমূহ পড়তে হবে তা নিচে বিস্তারিত দেওয়া হলো:

Detailed Syllabus

Paper Title: Nineteenth Century Novel

Jane Austin

  1. Pride and Prejudice

Charles Dickens

  1. A Tale of Two Cities

Charlotte Bronte

  1. Jane Eyre

Thomas Hardy

  1. Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Paper Title: Twentieth Century Poetry

W. B. Yeats

  1. The Lake Isle of Innisfree
  2. Easter 1916
  3. The Second Coming
  4. Sailing to Byzantium

T. S. Eliot

  1. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
  2. The Waste Land

Dylan Thomas

  1. Poem in October

Sylvia Plath

  1. Morning Song
  2. Words
  3. The Rival
  4. Crossing the Water

Paper Title: Modern Drama

Oscar Wilde

  1. Importance of Being Earnest

Waiting for Godot

  1. Samuel Becket

Harold Pinter

  1. The Caretaker


  1. Look Back in Anger

Paper Title: Twentieth Century Novel

J. Conrad

  1. Heart of Darkness

E. M. Foster

  1. A Passage to India

V. Wolf

  1. To the Light House

D. H. Lawrence

  1. Sons and Lovers

Doris Lessing

  1. The Grass is Singing

Paper Title: American Poetry

Emily Dickinson

  1. Wild Nights Wild Nights
  2. I Felt a Funeral in My Brain
  3. I Taste a Liquor

W. Whitman

  1. When Lilacs Last at My Dooryard Bloomed
  2. O Captain, My Captain

R. Frost

  1. After Apple Picking
  2. The Birches
  3. Mending Wall
  4. The Death of the Hired Man
  5. Road Not Taken
  6. Acquainted with the Night
  7. Tree at My Window

Langston Hughes

  1. The Negro Speaks of Rivers
  2. I, Too, Sing America
  3. The Weary Blues
  4. Harlem

Paper Title: American Literature: Fiction and Drama

N. Hawthorne

  1. Young Goodman Brown

E. O'Neil

  1. The Hairy Ape

E. Hemingway

  1. The Sun Also Rises

 S. Bellow

  1. Seize the Day

Toni Morrison

  1. Beloved

Paper Title: Classics in Translation


  1. Iliad


  1. Agamemnon


  1. Medea


  1. The Frogs


  1. Phaedra

Paper Title: Literary Criticism (From Victorian (Modern Age)

Matthew Arnold

  1. The Study of Poetry

T. S. Eliot

  1. The Metaphysical Poets

Edward Said

  1. Introduction to Culture and Imperialism

Terry Eagleton

  1. The Rise of English

Paper Title: Continental Literature:

F. Kafka

  1. Metamorphosis 

A. Camus

  1. The Outsider

Bertolt Brecht

  1. Mother Courage and Her Children

H. Ibsen

  1. A Doll's House

F. Dostoyevsky

  1. Crime and Punishment

Or Paper Title: Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching

The aim of this Paper is to familiarize students with developments in the theories and practices of language teaching and learning so that those who will join as teachers of English can teach English effectively with theoretical insights, taking the potentials and constraints of a context into consideration. The Paper will introduce students to theory of language, theory of language learning classroom practices, teachers' roles and learners' roles, strength and weakness of Audio-lingual Method. It will also include the Natural Approaches, Direct Method, Communicative Approaches, Task- based teaching and learning. Appropriate Methodology, Post-method pedagogy and the Politics of English Language Teaching.

The Paper will also cover approaches to and practical aspects of teaching vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, reading, writing. speaking, listening skills and use of literature in language teaching

Text Books:

Richards. J and T. Rodgers 1986. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, CUP.

Littlewood William. 1981. Communicative Language Teaching.

Harmer. J. 1983. The Practice of English Language Teaching Longman.

Holiday. A. 1994. Appropriate Methodology in Social Context, CUP.

Frecceman-Larsen. 1996. Techniques of Language Teaching Lyndsay. Paul. 2000. Teaching English

Worldwide: A New Practical Guide to Teaching English. California: Alta Book Centre Publishers.

Penury Ur. 2003. A Paper in Language Teaching Cambridge University Press.

Reference Book:

Brumfit. C. J. and Carter. R. 1986. Literature and Language Teaching. OUP

Harmer. J. 1997. How to Teach English, Longman. Widdowson, H.G. 1978. Teaching Language as Communication, CUP

Robinson, P. 1988. Academic Writing Process and Product, ELT Doc. 129. The British Council

Nuttal, C. 1982. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language. Heinemann.

Tricia Hedge, 1990 Writing. ELBS.

White. R. and Arndt. V. 1991. Process Writing. London: Longman.

list for english department

Paper Title: Viva-Voce

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