Devotion to Ala Hazrat - Tajalliat e Kutub e Madina

Mofizur Rahman

Devotion to Ala Hazrat - Tajalliat e Kutub e Madina

Devotion to A'la Hazrat (Tajalliat-e-Kutub-e-Madina)  ala hazrat history in urdu, ala hazrat death date ala hazrat wikipedia,Imam Ahmed Raza Khan


Devotion to A'la Hazrat (Rh)

When Hazrat Sheikh Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala discussed about the name of prominent great leader of Tarikat, A'la Hazrat, Azimul Barakat Kuddisa Sirruhu his face became enlighten and twinkled. His face proved that how much he loved his Sheikh and how deep he cored him. When anyone of his friends prayed to him that Hazrat! Pray for Iman's safety and preservation then he immediately read out the verse of A'la Hazrat Kuddisa Sirruhu.

تو نے اسلام دیا تو نے جماعت میں لیا 
تو کریم اب کوئی پہر تا ہے عطیہ تیرا

Meaning: You gave (the complete code of life) Islam, included in own team. You are the giver. Now others are running. In fact this is the gift ofyou.

If anyone prayed that Hazrat! will you drink cold water? Then immediately he read out this verse of A'la Hazrat Kuddisa Sirrudu indicating toward green tomb.

شنڈ اٹنڈا مینامینا
پتے ہم میں پلاتے یہ ہیں

Meaning: Cold sweety which we drink infact he (Hujoor Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam) drank us.

Sometimes he said that Mr. Mirja (Shakur Beg) Said:
نہ منہ ہے تمہارے دکھانے کے قابل
Meaning: It is not suitable to see you my face. But A'la Hazrat Kuddisa Sirruhu said that.

تجھ سے چھپاؤن منہ تو کرون کس کے سامنے

Meaning: If l didn't see you my face then whom I would see it.

In the meeting of Giarabi Sharif Kutub-e-Madina Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala recited the poems of A'la Hazrat Fazile Barielovi Kuddisa Sirruhu in which there were the discussion of name and fame of Hujoor Gawshe Pak Radiallahu Ta'ala Unhu.

After completing sacred urus mahfil of Hazrat Khawja Gareeb-e-Newaj Kuddisa Sirruhu (Ajmir Sharif) at the month of Razab then he took part in the discussion of the urus of A'la Hazrat, Azimul Barakat Imam Ahmad Reza Khan Barielovi Kuddisa Sirruhu. Qari Muhammad Amanat Rasool Qaderi Rezvi described that once Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala said, I recited Arabic Qasida written by A'la Hazrat Fazile Bariolovi Kuddisa Sirruhu in the meeting of honorable, respected ulam-e-Kiram of Egypt.

Then they started to say in one sentence that this Qasida might be written by the poet from Arabic ancestor,follower of Arabic language. This Fakir said about them this Qasida was written by A'la Hazrat Mawlana Ahmad Reza Khan Bariolovi,who is not an Arabian, Rather Azami (non Arabian).

The scholars of Egypt became very impressed that how he achieved ability and specialty in Arabic being a man of non Arabs. Some of the verse of his Qasida were written below:-

الحمد للمتوحد - بحلا له المتفرد
 وصلوا له دوما على 
-  خير الأنام محمد
 والا ل وأصحا بهم 
ماراى عند الشدائيد
 فالى العظيم توسلی 
- بكتا به وبا حمد
 وبمن أتى بكلامه 
- ويمن هدى وبمن هدى
وبطيبة وبمن حوت 
ويعتبر وبمسجد
 وبكل من وحد الرضا 
من عند رب واحد

Meaning: All praises are determined for only Almighty Allah. The blessings of Allah will prevail on the best human being Hazrat Ahmad Mujtaba Mohammad Mustafa Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam and on his noble family and followers when there were created any difficulties and problems.

All time I took osila toward Almighty Allah with his noble book, his faviourite prophet, Hazrat Zibrail, who went to him with his holy Kalam, who became good by this book or helped others by reading this book, Madina Tayeeba and who were in the four sides, Mimbor ofprophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam, Prophet's mosque and every person who received the satisfaction ofAllah and his apostle.

In 1392 Hijri/1972 A.D A'la Hazrat Fazile Barielovi Kuddisa Sirruhu recited a few verses are given bellow to hearing Kutub-e-Madina Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala. Hazrat Mawlana Abul Khair Mohammad Nurullah Naimi Basirpuri Rahamahullahu Ta'ala which he included in the six part of 'Bahar-e-Shariat'.

ا اذكر حاجتی ام قد كفاني ـ-- حياؤك ان شيمتك الحياء
كريما لا يغيره صباح --ـ عن الخلق الكريم ولأمساء
رسول الله فضلك ليس يحصى ـ-- وليس لجودك السنا من التهاء 
فان أكرمتنا دنيا وأخرى --ـ فليس البحر ينقصه الدلاء


  1. Will I talk about my need or is your Shame enough for me.
  2. Will I present my prayer to this great Benevolent who do not separate from the better ideal and characteristics.
  3. Oh the messenger of Allah! None can count your kindness and interest any your obedience and benevolentness have no destination or limitation.
  4. Ifyou gave the honor and respect for the present world and after here, then you have no harmness. Because the water of sea will not decrease by drum (56).

Mufti Muhammad Ashfak Ahmad (Khatib- Central Mosque, Khanewal City) described that I, after performing Hajj in 1979 presented at Madina Munowara. Here I asked to Kutub-e-Madina Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala that Hujoor! I heard that you were able to see the face of Sheikh A'la Hazrat Fazile Barielovi Kuddisa Sirruhu at Madina Tayeebga. Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala replied that yes!

Once I entered into the Babus Salam of Masjde Nababi Sharif to present infront of holy grave of prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam. Then I saw that A'la Hazrat, Azimul Barakat Fazile Barielovi Rahamahullahu Ta'ala Standing towards in the Muwajeha Sharif (face to face of great prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam) and praying Salam.

When I reached nearly about him A'la Hazrat Kuddisa Sirruhu became disappeared from my appearance. I went infront of the grave of prophet and represented prayer through Salat and Salam that yaa Rasoolallah! Please do not deprive me from visiting my Sheikh.Hazrat Kutub-e-Madina Rahamahullahu Ta'ala said that I went to the foots of Muajeha Sharif then I saw A'la Hazrat Kuddisa Sirruhu in the condition of sitting. I went their running and Salaamed him touching his feet and abud to visit him.

Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala said that once I was attacked by the diseases of paralysed. For this disease my half body became fully workless and unable. Everybody thought that. Now may be my last time of my life had come.

At that time I lived in my old house which was in the hand of Babus Salam and I stayedat upper part. Once at night I cried a lot near the most noble grave of great prophet and prayed that yaa Rasoolallah! Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam. My Pir and Murshid presented me toward you as a servent.

Hey my lord! If I had any fault then please forgive me by the grace of my pir and murshid and give me the fortune to serve your most noble grave. Thus I prayed to Khawja Gawsus Sakaline also. When I slept at night then I saw in a dream that three enlighted great persons, dwellers of paradise hailed from.

Among them the first person was a Hujoore Gawaswe Pak Radiallahu Ta'ala Unhu, the second person was Hazrat Khawja Gareeb-e-Newaj Radiallahu Ta'ala Unhu and the third person was A'la Hazrat Radiallahu Ta'ala Unhu. A'la Hazrat said that Zia Uddin! Today you presented such a prayer that Hazrat

Gawasul Azam Rahamahullahu Ta'ala came to you and other person echoed to the saint and said that this is Hazrat Sultanul Hind Khawaja Moinuddin sisty Ajmeri Rahamahullahu Ta'ala. Hujoor Gawasul Azam Radiallahu Ta'ala Unhu kept his holy hands and said that wake up from bed.

I woke up from the bed at the time of dreaming. Then these three saints started to perform Prayer (Namaj). When I opened my eyes then I felt Shaking in my body. I sat down after trying. After that I stood up gradually. I took help of a wood to visit my room around. The children of the below thought that this was sound of walking upper.

As soon as they came to up stair and became joyous and happy. I said instantly, that there kept a Iron Almari Infront of the bed. Because during that time Hujoor Gawasul Azam,Hujoor Gareebe Nawaj and A'la Hazrat had performed their prayer.With the mercy and helped of Allah I became well.

Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala was a prominent gentle man, kind and greatest saint. There were always prevailed the ocean of love and kindness infront of him. All characteristics and qualities of honorable Shahaba and pious predecessorscontained in his life. He was so much Talent and gracious.

He bears good character and best ideal. It is known to Allah if anyone sat beside him. He possess spiritual satisfaction and conviction in heart. He himself strongly believed the shariah. He advised his own follower and devotee to study and follow on holy shariah. During the Baiat he urged them to pursuit shariah law and regulations.

He discussed all times that shariah is obedient to Tarikat. The person who were the followers of shariah could save them from all mischief's and prejudice. They also found the right and real road. And the anti follower of shariah thrown into the world of Bell wether. This was the ideal of our honorable saint's, scholars and ancestors of our past time (pious predecessors).

His only motto was that the mystery of the all paths of Tarikat and Hakikat were contained in the pursiuiting of Shariah. He always advised to pray to Allah to forgive him. Especially he added also to tell about “Asthaghferullahal Azim Wa Atubu Eliahe” that there were two talkings. First one is 'Istheghfar (praying to Allah for forgiveness and another one is 'Tawoba' (Repentation on misdeeds). He always advised to read Darood Sharif as much as possible. Especially he talked about to read this Darood Sharif.

 صلى الله على النبي الأمي واله صلى الله عليه وسلم صلوة وسلاما عليك يا رسول الله

He Also emphasised to perform Namaj prayer. Almost all time he added that there is nothing only but performing Salat or Namaj. Once a pupil came to Hazrat to include his disciple. After seeing him instantly he said that in the face of this man there were no symptom of light of prayer. After that he started to say again to perform prayer on due time.

Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala said almost all time that there were no Tarikat without Shariat. If anyone want to advise from him then he said that son! Perform prayer, strongly hold your prayer. He always came forward in the amendment and edition of his disciple and devotee.

He taught for the purity of heart and the purity of looking. He almost urged about the purification of Amol (action) and Akida (belief). He respected industrious and sincere scholar associates. He talked about all time not to involve in any conspiracy, propaganda, disguideness and in any conflict and struggle.

He advised every people to perform his own work and duty duely. There were always prevail priceless sayings, patience, gracefulness and gratitude in his discussion. The rememberence of pious predecessors became revive when there were came poor and indigent people infront of him. Gentleness and softness was the mentionable real character of him.

Anyone came forward to serve him, greets them according to their own power and respect or honor. His door was always opened for everybody. Dining table was also for everyone. He spent all the money as much as he earned. He did not keep anything surplus for him.

Most of the money he spent for the guest. When distinguished Islamic Scholar from Syria namely Mufti Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Ali Murad. Damat Barkatuhumul Alia' came forward to serve him and gave salam then instantly he said that bring for him a cold water bottle. That means drink him cold water.

The Khadem of Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala discussed that in 1400 Hijri in the month of Shawal Mawlana Ilias Qadri came to Madina Munawara for the purpose of visiting from Karachi. Hazrat said to me to drink tea of the guest. I requested that Hazrat! Please drink tea. Hazrat did not agree with his proposal. When it was the time of calling Maghrib prayer then he called for tea. Then it was known to me that he was a faster. At that time the age of Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala was more than Hundred years.

Khadem had written that in 25 Safar, 1400 Hijri in the house of Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala on the occation of holy urus ceremony of A'la Hazrat Ahmad Reza Khan Barielovi Rahamahullahu Ta'ala there were the begining of finishing of reciting the holy Quran. Then Hazrat said to me give me one para of the holy Quran.

He asked which para was there? I told this para. He hold this para in his hand and started to read. From this day I had come to know that he was a Hafez-e-Quran. Before he did not tell that he was a Hafez-e-Quran. In the evening I prayed that Hazrat! When did you complete memorizing the holy Quran. Then he replied that son! at the time of adulthood I had completed it. When any prominent Islamic Scholar came to him then he thought the kiss of his hand as his fortune and especially he gave enough respect and honor to the scholar from honorable sayed family.

If anyone prayed that Hazrat! I will meet such religious scholar, then he said without any hesitation that gave them Salam to him and said him to bless for me. After finishing milad gathering he directed blessings by distinguished scholar. The son of Muhammad Rafique Kashmiri, a permanent deweller of Madina Munawara, came to meet with Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala in every Friday. Then he completed the holy Quran. Hazrat gave him a lot of blessings and took money from his own pocket and said that bring food as your wish.

Simplicity was the main commitment of his life. His nice and sweet shape remembered the name of Almighty Allah and his sirat and character was the menifestation of the life of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam. He nursued the goat according to the Sunnathe Rasoul and he hospitilised the milk of goat to the guest of great prophet. His main occupation and priceless treasure was the Naathe Rasool and the love of prophet Sallallahu Alaihe wa Sallam.

His every majlis was the majlis of Naath. In his every mahfil (gathering) Allah will be remembered and there were also presentation of Zikr. He was confined in the Zikr of Rasool Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam and his noble practise.

People attended here from the various part of Arab and non Arab countries of the world and they assembled in the majlis of Naaths. The people from Arabic, Hindi, Turki, Shami, Egypt, Irani, Sudani and Qurdi etc recite the Naathe-Rasool of their own language. Hazrat always heard the Naath-e-Rasool seating on his laps with due respect.

He heard the Naath-e-Rasool again and again from the Naath composition of his own depended lord Imam Ahmad Reza Khan Barielovi Kuddisa Sirruhu named “Hadayk- e-Bakhshish”.

مصطفی جان رحمت پہ لا کہوں سلام

He was thought an 'Qadery Bhaggaloi “Hadayk-e-Bakhshish” by his loud tune. A large part of the poems written in the language of Arabic, Farsi, Turki, Urdue and punjabi were throughly known to him. He could speak these languages fluently and speedly.

The gratest Islamic scholars of Egypt, Turki and Syria came to him. After Salam he asked everyone about them how they were. After that he wanted to know about the inhabitants of the cities and the conditions of that Islamic Sholars.

He had the power of reading the mind of their people instant so that he discuss with the coming guest according to their nature as they could become pleased and happy. common and prominent people called him “Sayedi”. The Scholars of Madina respected him more. They called him “Sheikul Ulama”.Mawlana Ali Hossain al-Bikri al-Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala was his devoted friend, Lover and Sincere.

Pray at night walking up, hospitality and talking a little, were his some characteristics. He arranged Milad Mahfil ceremony everyday without preparation in own lodge beside the green dome after finishing Eisha prayer and after finishing milad mahfil he entertained the guests with delicious food.

The conclusion of the mahfil had been declared by the saying of salam poems which composed by A'la Hazrat Rahamahullahu Ta'ala when Nabiraie Shahji Miah, Muhtharam Alhaj Shah Qari Golam Mohiuddin and Khatib Shiri Rezvi Baldawani Presented at the Mahfil then he instantly included the part of this verse given below:-

ضیاۓ دین کی محفل بھی سلام کی ساتھ
 قریب گنبد خضرا اس اہتمام کے ساتھ
 خطیب منشاء سر کار دو جہان ہے یہی
 مرے رضا کا بہی ہو ذکر مرے نام کے ساتھ

Meaning: The mahfil of Zia Uddin was held at green dome of kindful prophet Sallallahu alaihe wa Sallam in goglous mood. Oh poet (Khatib)! The main aim or abject of the lord of 'Two World' is that I want to see my name with the name of my Ahmad Reza.

Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala has enormous love and devotion to the sacred personality and holy quality of prophet sallallahu alaihe wa sallam. In his mahfil there were held Zikr-e-Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihe wa Aallam and Naath Khani (recitition of poetry) in every time.

There were no person among the singer, reciter of Naath and poets of India and Pakistan who did not recite Naath at the praise of great prophet Sallallahu alaihe wa Sallam at the time of presence of earning Hazrat in Madina Manawara. The mahfil of Madina Manawara did not telecast live openly. Despite this restriction there were heard the sweet and encouraged voice of Naath-e-Rasool Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam in almost all house.

It was uncommon, un compareable unique to express devotion and love inspiration and sensation with high importance and care at the all open mahfil in the presence (darber) of Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala.

For this occusion the visitor at Madina Tayceba, who were the lover of great prophet presented the wrath of devotion and love to him. If any orator presented at the mahfil then he entertaining the audince by his own his delivery and sayings. At the time of reciting Naath there were prevailed tears from his eyes non-stoply (64). When he became more devoted and attracted.

For reciting Naath his condition of interest and desire was that after the Esha Prayer he waited at night 3 A.M. according to the time of Arabia and he again and again asked about time. Most of the time he started to read Darood Sharif loudly before the time of 3 A.M.The principle of manner and etiquitte was that it was absurd to him if anyone kissed in the hands of him at the time of starting Mahfil.

Beside mahfil he responsed to all Salam from the visitors and a lot of people accompanied with him during the prayer. He behaved with love and affection in such a way that the visitors thought that Hazrat loved me very much. After finishing mahfil he odue newly or freshly and employed himself in Zikir Azkar siting in the bed.

He ate a little. If anyone brought any food then he ate with all presented people after finishing mahfi1. He was invited duely or mandatoily if there were held milad mahfil at the any place of Madina Tayeeba. He always attended with his devotion and love along with his friends and followers at the invited place.

Mirja Shakur Begh wrote- at first I saw Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala at Baghe Shamsia (Madina Munwara) in a mahfil which was held in this spacious area of this building. Ancient people called this building as 'Tawatia”. Because the name of the owner of this ancient building was Tawati.

A great Ameer bought this building from the south of the Hydrabad. He was called as “Shamsul Ulama”. According to this name the building was characterised as Baghe Shamsia. This building was situated at the east corner of the house of Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala. In this mahfil there were joined a lot of lover and bossom friend.

Their face were like absurd petals of the flower. When I thought I could remember the yesterday but this event was held before twenty years ago. In the shortage of time the mahfil started immediately. The attention of everyone felt in the west side. Here everyone saw that one great person was coming.

This great, adoreable person weared white turban in his head, sherwani coat, hanging blanket in his soulder, his physial structure is middle, green in colour, white beard, beautiful vigorous eyes. The people in the mahfil stood up with the honor of this person. Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala seated him holding his own hand.

The person who had illuminated face in this mahfil still he was present there. He had noticed not but only the face of Hazrat. I asked one person going to close to him that who was that great or important person? It was known that this was none but Hazrat Mawlana Zia Uddin Ahmad. He had been living for sixty years in Madina Manawara.

He lived in the last house of the left outer lane of this building. He said, see the person who appointed himself direct and manage the mahfil,was the only son of Hazrat Madani, HIazrat Fazlur Rahman. I reciting a Naath-e-Rasool in this mahfil. In the second day I presented here to entertain Hazrat Shaheb lonly at the time of Asar. The door of the outside was open.

After entering into the inside went to the right side of the door of the stair and gave a noise. Can I come in? The reply was positive, please come in. There were movement in my heart intensely I became puzzled. After shaking hands Hazrat felt that condition of mine and he brought me in the normal condition (position).

Hazrat asked me what is my name? I told my name. Hazrat asked me where are you came from? I told, south side of the Hydrabad. He told- very well. very well. He told that I also went to Hydrabad once. After that he told me with kindness and affection that there held mahfil of Naath Sharif at night after finishing Esha prayer, you will also come.

I became very much happy after getting this permission. As much as I stayed in the Madina Munawara. I joined this mahfil as usual. I became introduced myself with the other participants of the mahfil. Hazrat Madani with otehrs called me 'Mirja Shaheb”.

After three or four years I became fortunate to present again in Madina Munawara. Presence of the people at the majlish (mahfil) and the kindness and compassion had been increased as much as than before. After that with the kindness and blessings of great prophet Sallallahu Alaihe wa Sallam. I achieved fortune to join the Madina Munawara almost sixteen to seventeen years without any interval.

And I also achieved the fortune at least three month in every years to spent in the Madina Munawara. Firstly I travelled by the watership. I came by first trip ship and returned by the last trip ship. At this time of staying in Madina Munawara I joined in the majlis of Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala at every night.

Sometimes I heard that If you don't to be a Fakir then you can conquer the heart of a Fakir. The running wave of illumination from almighty Allah in the heart of that Fakir then you will became a partner of this. I also did this. I achieved this blessings from the almighty Allah.

Almighty Allah had spreaded my love and affection among the people of Madina Munawara. They also prayed for me a lot. According to the law of the state the person who performed Hajj one time cannot go for performing Hajj for next five years. Despite the law of the state I became fortunate to join every year in the Madina Munawara.

Law remain in its own place. Neither I disobeyed the law nor Law obstructed me. By hook or crook the way had come to me so that I could join again and again and there were the increasing of kindness and blessings of Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala.

Hazrat knew that I remain absent in my house at night Rather I spent my night at the door of Masjide Nababi Sallallahu Alaihe wa Sallam beside the any wall. I joined the majlis of Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala with slim blanket. After finishing mahfil when I took permission for departure then he said that Mr. Mirja! What you do going? please have your seat here.

I said that Hazrat! It is the time of your leasure time. Then he said that pleasure is pleasure. Please seat. I spent a lot of nights such a way with Hazrat. I have asked a lot of thing from Hazrat. Hazrat himself also asked a lot of things from me. There were the Azan of Tahajjud (last night of prayer) transmitted; I can forget such glorious night in my life. At that time as I wrote the Naath, the first verse was that:-

را تین بہی مدینے کی با تین بہی مدینے کی
جینے میں یہ جینا ہے کیا بات ہے جینے کی

Meaning: The nights of Madina Tayeeba were memorable. The talkings of Madina Tayeeba were adoreable. To live such a way is called life and it is a life ofunlike to live.

Allama Mufti Ahmad Year Khan Naimi Rahamahullahu Ta'ala wrote in his book “Safornamaye Hajj” that in 1, Muharram, 1374 Hijri/31 August,1954 A.D. after Fajor prayer I presented to fortunate the house of Hazrat Mowlana Zia Uddin Ahmad Madani Rahamahullahu  Ta'ala. He entertained one with enormous foods.

After taking meal the majlish of Naath Khani became vcery entertaining. One Turkish by birth, a presenter of Naath in Syria, Recited Arabic poem.I spoke out meaning of these poems. The summary of Naath was that- “Today I as a guest of prophet Sallallahu Alaihe wa Sallam presented at the land of Madina.

This King and Merciful person entertained his guest by giving blessings. The policy of kind and monarch was that, if any criminal came to him to take shelter then he forgave and pardoned him, you are the king and monarch of all prophets. My experienced was that Hujoor Sallallahu Alaihe wa Sallam own self represented the forgiveness to the criminal and pardoned the eror and mistake.”

In 3 Muharram, 1374 Hijri/2 September, 1954 night we, a number of pilgrimers arranged a milad mahfil at the lodge of Allama Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala. Here joined the pilgrimers from Pakistan, India, Egypt, Syria and Madina Munawara. Hazrat Sayed Abdus Salam Hossaini of Egypt recited the verses from the holy Quran in such way that the Iman (faith) became live.

After that the presenter of Naath from Madina recited Mawlude Barjanji Sharif in Arabic Language. They directed Salam and Qiam. It was very interesting and satisfactory. After that from us we entertained the presented people with food the majlish again started after finishing food. Hafiz Oli Muhammad at first recited Naath in Urdue after that Sayed Abdus Salam Hossaini of Egypt recited Naath in Arabic language. The present audience tumbling like fish without water. This mahfil was lasted almost 2 am at night.

From the mahfils especially arranged by Hazrat Madani'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala, 25 Safar on the occasion of urus ceremony of A'la Hazrat, Azimul Barakat, Fazile Barielovi Rahamahullahu Ta'ala, 11 Rabius Sani on the occasion of urus ceremony of Sayeduna Gawsul Azam Radiallahu Ta'ala Unhu, 15 Shaban on the occasion of Shabe Barat ceremony, besides Khulafa-e-Rashedin Radiallahu Alaihim Ajmain's days and in the month of Ramdanul Mubarak especially the urus ceremony of Sayedus Shohada Hazrat Sayeduna Amir Hamja Radiallahu Ta'ala unhu were mentionable. The day was fixed near the day of Showhada-e-Badr. He performed these days as usual till his death.

In the mahfil arranged by Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' the greatest Islamic Scholars and saints from Arab and non Arab countries joined there and they would sit infront of him in such a way that there were students infront of the master. Once a Alim (Scholar) from Turkey came there with them, who were unwilling to live there because of their secular govemment.

The government and people of here prayed to him that please don't make up orphan to go from here. This great Alim (Islamic Scholar) when came to Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' then he sat from to him with decent and honorly and presented or stayed here quite silently. If he replied the answer of any question this, he did it with politely so that nobody in the mahfil could hear his words.

Mawlana Jamal Khan 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' was the caretaker and owner of Nabab Boarding of joinpur at Madina Manawara. He was a great person who bear inituition (Kashf) power. Abdul Gani Khan Ludi and Hakim Sultan Bakash Rahamahullahu Ta'ala who were the great person presented at the mahfil of Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala.

Hazrat pir Jamayat Ali Shah Saheb, Muhaddis of Alipur(70), sat beside him when he stayed at Madina Munawara. Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' once said that Ameere Millat Hazrat pir Jamayat Ali Shah, muhaddis of Alipur, 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' performed holy Hajj almost twenty two years after I came to Madina Munawara.

Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' kept the bed and bed stead as Tabarruk of Ameere millat Hazrat pir Jamayat Ali Shah Muhaddis of Alipur 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala. Hazrat Mawlana Habibur Rahaman, great leader (Rauyse Azam) from Urisha in India presented to Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' to entertain him. Despite the protestation from Hazrat Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala he tried to salam him to touch the feet of Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala'.

When Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala said him to take his own food then Mujahide-e-Millat Allama Habibur Rahaman 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' prayed to Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' to entertain him that Hazrat! Please give me one mouthful food from your mouth for me and thus he prayed that Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' finally compelled to accept the prayer.

Hazrat Allama Kazemi Amrohi Damat Barkatuhumul Alia came to meet with Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala'. Then he met with him with decent and honor which could not be described in words. Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' told him to describe something then Kazemi Shaheb thought sometimes and started the discussion in such a way that to open the mouth to Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' is not enough than to do scandal. Again it is mandatory to perform his duty or to maintain his order.

That's why I prayed something. Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala always said that there were two great Alim from Pakistan. They helped the poor very much. One was Allama Sayed Abul Barakat Lahori(74) 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' and the another one was Allama Kazemi Shaheb 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala'.

Except the sub continent of Pak-India, a lot of Islamic Scholars from Syria, Egypt and Turkey came to Hazrat Kutub-e-Madina Zia Uddin Madani 'Rohamahullahu Ta'ala'.During the conversation and bargating he praised a lotfor Mawlana Hafiz Muhammad Shafi Wkarobj(75) and Mowlana Abdul Gafoor Hajarobi(76) 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala'.

He prayed for them as much as possible. When in the discussion the talking of Qari Musleh Uddin Siddique 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' came then Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' commented that he was a great, sacred saint. He also said that everything had increased in Karachi because of his appearance.

Hazrat Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' honored very much to all Ahlas Sunnah's scholars especially to honorable Sayeds. When Hazrat Sayed Miskin Shah Shaheb Madani came to meet with him, he was Hazrat Madani kissed his feets.

The patient, fasting and endurance of Hazrat Madani, his modesty and decentness, sacrifice, friendshipness and industrious, democratical mind and kindness, emotion and feelings, steadiness, greedless and his extra-ordinary ability of knowledge and the fame of research knowledge were known to all. All friends and foes expressed his high quality in a sentence.

The person who came to him became his bossom friend and great lover. By his magic love the world of other people became changed. His a lots of disciples and devotees had spreaded out in the country Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Yeamen, Lybia, Algeria, Sudan, South Africa, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Afganistan and England except holy Hijaj.

The famous poet Sufi Amjad Hydrabadi, a poet of urdue language and literature also was very fortunate to achieve Baiat with his sacred hand. He came to Madina Munawara in every year to entertain Hazrat Kutub-e-Madina Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala'and played a vital role in the campaign of self purification.

Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' once said that one great or famous Naath written by Amjad Hydrabadi enlist in my house at Madina Munawara. Some verses from this Naath are given below:-

کس چیز کی کمی ہے مولاتری گلی میں
د نیاتری گلی میں عقبی تری گلی میں
موت وحیات مری دونوں تیرے لیے ہیں
مر ناتری گلی میں جینا تری گلی میں 
امجد کو آج تک ادنی سمجھ رہے تھے
لیکن مقام اس کا دیکھا تری گلی میں

Meaning: Hey lord! Do you have any Crisis in your lane? Present world and here after is in your lane. My life and death is in your hand. I will live in your lane and die in your lane. Amjad was known to all as an inconsiderable. But he was placed in the lane of Madina.

The most adorable historian and great thinker of Muslim world Dr. Hamid Ullah (permanent dwellers' Paris in France) also expressed the spiritual power and Barakat's of Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' always without any hesitation. Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' once said about Dr. Hamidullah that, Hamidullah was the dwellers of mysur (India).

He was a fit, suitable and appropriate person. He was the follower of Hambli Majhab. Dr. Hamidullah wrote a lots of book with the help and co-operation of Islam in the Turki, Spanish, English, Germany and other languages in the world. After reading this books many people embraced Islam. When he entered into the Madina Munawara then he came here to keep fasting.

If it was almost two months of duration of staying here, he stayed here during the days of fasting. Hazrat Kutub-e-Madina Zia  Uddin Madani Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' married two times at Madina Munawara. His first wife Muhtharama spent thirteen years conjugal life and died. After the death of first wife he married second time. There were son and daughter of the first wife. Two son and four daughter.

They died at an early age. There were one son Mawlana Fajlur Rahman and a daughter. The one leg of the daughter was sick. There were wound in her leg. She was sick about eight to nine years. A doctor from Lebanon treated the operation of her leg. Because the bone of her leg was not good.  Al-Hamdulillah! She began to walking tice Haram. He adopted a woman as his own daughter from rural area. Her name was Hamdah. This woman was more weak and unable than the own daughter of Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala'.

Mawlana Fazlur Rahman was born in 1344 Hijri/1925 A.D. The date of his birth was known from Fazlur Rahman Madani. Masha Allah! He posses the quality of Hafiz, loyelty, purity, reality, kindness, Benevolent,soft spoken and better character. He got the permission to achieve the caliphat from his own respected father Hazrat Zia Uddin Madani 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala'.

He took Ijazah and caliphat from Hazrat Shah Ali Hossain Ashrafi Miah Kuddisa Sirruhu. When in 1371 Hijri/1951 A.D. Hazrat Muftie Azame Hind Allama Mawlana Mostafa Reza Khan Kuddis Sirruhu went to Saudi Arabia in order to perform Hajj then he imparted caliphate and Ijazah writing to Mawlana Fazlur Rahman Madani.

He recited the qotes of Ijazah and caliphat standing infront of Hazrat Fazlur Rahman Madani under the Mizabe Rahmat of the Baitullah Sharif.

Mowlana Fazlur Rahman 'Rahamahullahu Ta'ala' was the father of three son and three daughters. The name of his elder son was Habibur Rahman. The name of the second son was Ridwan and the name of the third son was Khalil.

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