English 1st Paper Suggestions 2023 For Hsc-Alim & Class 11-12
Re-revised Marks Distribution for Alim English 1st Paper.
(Only for the year 2023)
Subject Code 238
Part A: Reading (30 marks)
1. Multiple choice questions(from seen text- 1) 5
2. Short answer questions(from seen text- 2) 8
3. Synonym /Antonym (from seen text-2) 5
4. Cloze test without clues (unseen) 4
5. Rearranging (Unseen) 8
Part B: Writing (20 marks)
6. Writing paragraph (by description/listing) 7
7. Story Writing (completing a story) 7
8. Summary Writing (from seen text- 3) 6
English 1st Paper Suggestions 2023 (ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র সাজেশন)
এ অংশ থেকে পরীক্ষার একটি প্রশ্ন থাকবে। একটি প্রশ্নেরই উত্তর দিতে হবে
Question No- 1, Multiple choice questions
1. My brothers, I stand before you today....we would agree to that offer.
2. Mr. Bhutto came here; he carried out.....even blamed the Bengali people!
3. My brothers, The Assembly has been called..... one can suppress us any more.
4. To those in the armed forces I have......emancipation. Long live Bengal!
5. Nelson Mandels guided South Africa.....his humanity, kindness and dignity.
6. Valentina Tereshkova was bom in the.....Mars, even if for a one-way trip.
7. Dreams have fascinated philosophers.....and emotions in a safe environment.
8. I have a dream today. I have a........... Almighty, we are free at last!" (abridged)
9. As a child you must have been told........ make your day smooth and pleasant.
10. I was ten years old. My grandmother......almost devilish smile on her face.
11. "Whose picture is it?" asked.... warm silence of that summer afternoon. [Unit-4;
12. Children must pass through several .....contexts exert powerful influences.
13. Many adolescents face pressure to use......effectively when problems arise.
14. When a girl gets married, she usually .......to get exposed to drugs and alcohol.
15. Children's right to education also implies........him from the drudgery of school.
16. Shilpi was only 15 years old when she........ against early marriage and pregnancy.
17. Article 12. No one shall be subjected........ equivalent free voting procedures.
18. Article 25: (1) Everyone has the right......... that shall be given to their children.
19. My name is Amerigo, I am 13........cold in the street. (Alim Exam-2018)
20. Water, water, everywhere............and find it nowhere. [Alim Exam-2019]
21. Hakaluki: A rich hub of biodiversity and ........feed and shelter for parent fish:
22. The haor is a very important resting place........a major attraction for tourists.
23. A vast mangrove forest shared by Bangladesh........ tiger expert Sarah Christie.
Question No- 2, Short questions Answer
২ নং এবং ৩ নং প্রশ্নের জন্য উপরের প্রদত্ত Seen Comprehension গুলোই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
৩ নং প্রশ্নের জন্য কিছু Synonym /Antonym সংযুক্ত করা হলো যা খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
Synonym /Antonym
1. My brothers, I stand before you today: we would agree to that offer. [Unit-1; Lesson-1]
(a) cope (antonym); (b) constitution (synonym); (c) tragic (antonym); (d) inflict (synonym); (e) repeatedly (antonym); (6) crimson (synonym); (g) movement (synonym); (h) declare (synonym); (i) assembly (antonym). () instead (synonym).
Ans. (a) crumble; (b) arrangement/structure; (c) Joyous: (d) strike; (e) infrequently; (f) reddish/bloodshot; (g)stroll; (h) announce; (i) disassembly; (3) in lieu of
2. Mr. Bhutto came here, he carried out.. even blamed the Bengali people! [Unit-1; Lesson-1]
(a) negotiation (antonym); (b) claim (synonym); (c) capacity (antonym); (d) dissolve (synonym); (e) sudden (antonym); (prorogue (synonym); (g) spontaneously (synonym); (h) external (antonym); (i) deprive (synonym): (j) massacre (synonym).
Ans. (a) provocation; (b) demand; (c) incapacity; (d) melt/vanish; (e)gradual; ( adjourn; (g) by itself easily. (h) internal; (i) despoil; (j) killing
3. To those in the armed forces I have emancipation. Long live Bengal! [Unit-1; Lesson-1]
(a) armed (antonym), (b) suppress (synonym); (e) wounded (synonym); (d) sacrifice (synonym); (e) assist Cantonym): (1) participate (synonym); (g) employee (antonym); (h) directives (synonym); (i) anarchy (antonym); (1) trammit (synonym).
Ans. (a) unarmed; (b) put down; (c) injured; (d) immolation/offering: (e) hinder: (1) take part/partake; (g) employer, (h) command/permit, (1) order; (j) send/emit.
4. Nelson Mandela guided South Africa. his humanity, kindness and dignity. [Unit-1; Lesson-2]
(a) guide (synonym); (b) shackle (synonym); (c) racial (synonym); (d) icon (synonym); (e) struggle (antonym); (D) prestige (synonym); (g) avoid (synonym); (b) discrimination (synonym); (1) manifestation (synonym); () divide (antonym).
Ans. (a) lead; (b) barrier, (c) ethnic/national; (d) idol; (e) bloom/blossom; (f) influence; (g) confront; (h) difference, (i) exposition: (j) unite.
5. Valentina Tereshkova was born in the...Mars, even if for a one-way trip. [Unit-1: Lesson-3]
(a) trained (antonym); (b) expertise (synonym); (c) selection (synonym); (d) applicant (synonym); (e) undergo (synonym); (f)( include (antonym); (g) successful (antonym), (h) communication (synonym); (i) sealed (antonym); (j) discomfort (antonym).
Ans. (a) untrained; (b) experience/knowledge; (c) election/choice; (d) petitioner; (e) suffer, (f) exclude; (g)unsuccessful; (h) contact: (i) unsealed, (j) comfort.
6. Dreams have fascinated philosophers.....and emotions in a safe environment. [Unit-3; Lesson-1]
(a) fascinate (antonym), (b) recently (synonym); (c) empirical (antonym), (d) puzzling (synonym); (e) emotion (synonym); (1) frightening (antonym); (g) understandable (antonym); (h) confusing (synonym); (1) consensus (antonym); (j) unravel (antonym),
Ans. (a) repel; (b) lately. (c) theoretical; (d) annoying; (e) passion; (f) soothing; (g) incomprehensible; (h) baffling: (i) disagreement; (j) ravel.
7. Many adolescents face pressure to use........effectively when problems arise. [Unit-6; Lesson-1]
(a) adolescent (synonym); (b) initiate (synonym); (c) intentional (antonym); (d) mental (antonym); (e) establish (synonym); (f) unique (antonym); (g) capable (antonym); (h) exploitation (synonym). (i) reproductive (synonym); (i) barrier (synonym).
Ans. (a) teenager, (b) start; (e) unintentional; (d) physical; (e) set; (f) common; (g) incapable; (b) occlusion; (i) generative; (j) obstacle.
8. Shilpi was only 15 years old when she. against early marriage and pregnancy. [Unit-6, Lesson-4]
(a) standard (antonym); (b) rural (antonym); (e) local (antonym), (d) gradually (antonym); (e) penetrate(synonym); (f) counsel (synonym); (g) increase (synonym); (b) harmful (synonym); (1) painful (synonym); () maternal (antonym).
Ans. (a) nonstandard; (b) urban; (c) national; (d) rapidly; (e) enter/go into; (f) advise; (g) rise; (h) injurious: (i) hurtful; (j) paternal.
9. My name is Amerigo. I am 13. cold in the street. [Alim Exam-2018] [Unit-8; Lesson-4] (a) separated (antonym); (b) collect (antonym); (c) vender (synonym); (d) serious (antonym); (e) trash (synonym); (f) difficult (antonym), (g) lucky (synonym), (h) pile (synonym). (6) refuse (antonym), () hungry (synonym).
Ans: (a) together; (b) spread: (c) seller; (d) playful, (e) garbage, (f) easy. (g) fortunate; (h) heap, (i) accept: (j) famishing.
10. Water, water, everywhere, and find it nowhere. (Alim Exam-2019] [Unit-12; Lesson-1]
(a) curse (antonym); (b) survive (synonym); (c) crisis (synonym), (d) identify (synonym); (e) worry (antonym); (pang (synonym); (g) perpetual (antonym); (h) glorious (synonym); (1) tributary (antonym); (1) chronic (synonym).
Ans. (a) bless; (b) endure; (c) emergency: (d) recognize; (e) reassure; (f) trouble: (g) temporary; (h) exalted: (i)(distributary; (j) incurable.
Question No. 4 (Cloze test Without Clues)
V.V.I. (Very Very Important):- (1, 2, 3, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 34, 42, 43, 54, 59, 66, 79, 96, 98, 99, 102, 118, 124, 134, 148, 152, 159, 160, 175, 181, 191 201, 203)
উত্তরসহ (Cloze test Without Clues) পেতে নিচের লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন
V.I:- ( Very Important):- 4, 5, 6, 23, 92, 103, 104, 132, 151, 165, 184, 188, 199, 200, 207, 215, 219.
V.V.I.(Very Very Important):-1, 2, 3, 6, 11,14, 15, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 46, 49, 54, 63, 69, 78, 85, 87.
V.I:- ( Very Important):-.4, 7, 12, 16, 19, 26, 35, 37, 57, 73, 82, 83.
উত্তরসহ Rearrange পেতে নিচের লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন
Completing Story:-
1. Once there lived a ............
2. There Was an old.............
3. One day a Crow...............
4. There Was a boy.............
5. There lived three...........
6. Once there lived.............
7. Once there lived an
8. Sir Isaac Newton...........
9. One day Prophet (sm) .........
10. A powerful man..............
Writing Paragraph
Etiquette and Manners.
Importance of Reading Newspaper.
Use and abuse of Mobile Phobe.
Food Adulteration.
Physical Excercise.
Pahela Boishakh.
Price Hike.
Use and abuse of Facebook.
A Road accident.
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