Suggestions For Honours 2nd Year ( All Subjects)
Introduction to Drama Suggestions For Honours 2nd Year
Exam:- 2021+Retake
Part-B: Suggestions
Honours Second Year Subject:- Introduction to Drama
- Describe the function/role of Chorus in 'King Oedipus'. ★★★
- Provide a brief account of the encounter between Oedipus and Teiresias. ★★★
- In what situation did Oedipus kill his father? ★★★
- What was the prophecy of Teiresias about Oedipus? ★★
- What reasons does Oedipus give for his self-blinding? ★★★
- Write the seven stages of human life as shown in 'As You Like It'./What are the seven stages in a man's life?***
- How does Orlando save Oliver's life in the Forest of Arden? ★★★
- Briefly describe the sub-plot in 'As You Like It'. ★★
- Why is 'Arms and the Man' called an anti-romantic comedy? ★★★
- What is Raina's view on killing the fugitives? ★★
- What farcical elements do you find in 'Arms and the Man'? ★★★
- How can Bluntschli be called an 'Anti-hero?/Is Bluntschli really a gentleman? How? [Bluntschli এর character টা জানলে প্রায় দুটি প্রশ্নই লেখা যাবে।] ★★★
- Why does Bluntschli compare Sergius to Don Quixote? ★★
- Who embodies life force in 'Arms and the Man'? ★★★
- How do Nora and Cathleen serve the purpose of the chorus? ★★★
- Why did Bartley decide to go to the Galway Fair? ★★
- Show the universal appeal of 'Riders to the Sea'. ★★★
- What supernatural elements does J. M. Synge use in 'Riders to the Sea'? ★★★
- How does the sea in Riders to the Sea' represent fate?/Is the sea in Riders to the Sea' the representative of fate? ★★
- What is bride-price? Why does Sidi regard it so important?/ Analyze Sidi's attitude towards bride-price. ✶✶✶
- How does Lakunle try to convince Sidi to marry him without bride-price? ★★
- Why, according to Sidi, does Baroka want to marry her? ★★★
- Who or what is being satirized in Wole Soyinka's 'The Lion and the Jewel'? ★★
- Why does Sidi marry Baroka at the end of the play 'The Lion and the Jewel'? ★★★
Short note and Explanations:
- Write a short note on Delphic-Oracle. ★★★
- "All the world's a stage
And all men and women merely players". ★★★
- Write a short note on coat-episode in 'Arms and the Man'. 4. "No man at all can be living forever and we must be satisfied." ★★
Part C: Suggestions
- Evaluate 'Oedipus Rex' as a tragedy. ★★
- What is dramatic irony? Discuss with reference to 'King Oedipus'./Comment on dramatic
- irony used by Sophocles in 'Oedipus Rex'. ★★★
- Give an account of the encounter between Oedipus and Teiresias, and comment on its
- Sketch the character of Rosalind. ★★★
- Comment on Shakespeare's use of wit and humour in 'As You Like It'. ★★★
- Remark on Shaw's philosophy about love and war in the light of 'Arms and the Man'/Evaluate 'Arms and the Man' as an anti-romantic comedy. ★★★
- Comment on the first meeting scene between Raina and Bluntschli in Shaw's play 'Arms and the Man'. ★★★
- Evaluate 'Riders to the Sea' as a modern tragedy with classical setting. ★ ★ ★
- Tell about the life of the islanders in 'Riders to the Sea'. ★ ★ ★
- What role does the sea play in 'Riders to the Sea'? ★★
- Discuss the theme of Wole Soyinka's play 'The Lion and the Jewel. ★★★
- "Wole Soyinka's play 'The Lion and the Jewel is about the victory of traditional values over western ones." -- Elucidate. ★★★
- Justify the title of the drama 'The Lion and the Jewel' by Wole Soyinka. ★ ★
The questions given here are important + forthcoming. The reason for giving more than 2/4 questions is for more than 5 common readings in the exam.
এখানে দেয়া প্রশ্নগুলো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ + আসার মতো তাই তুলে ধরা হয়েছে । ২/৪ টা প্রশ্ন বেশী দেওয়ার কারন হলো পরীক্ষায় ৫ টার বেশী কমন পড়ার জন্য।
Romantic Poetry Suggestions For Honours 2nd Year
The questions given here are important + forthcoming. The reason for giving more than 2/4 questions is for more than 5 common readings in the exam.
History of English Literature Suggestions For Honours 2nd Year
Suggestions For Honours 2nd Year ( All Subjects)
Romantic Poetry Suggestions For Honours 2nd Year
Examination:- 2021 + Retakes
Part B And Part C Suggestions
Honours Second Year, Subject:- Introduction to Drama
Part-B Suggestions
- What do the songs of innocence teach is about life? ✶✶
- How are the lamb, the child and Christ connected?
- What kind of person is the nurse in the "Songs of Innocence"?
- How does Blake criticize society in the poem "London"? ★★★
- What does Wordsworth advise his sister Dorothy in "Tintern Abbey"? ★★★
- What is Wordsworth's idea of immortality of human soul in "Intimations of Immortality
Ode"? ★★ - What are the losses and gains in life as mentioned in the poem "Immortality to Ode"? ★★★
- How was the old sailor relieved of his curse? ★★★
- What lesson did the old sailor learn from his last journey? **
- What things does Byron want to satirize in the poem "Don Juan"?/Comment on Byron as a satirist. ★★★
- Briefly state the theme of "Don Juan Canto I".
- What do you know about a Byronic hero/ What are the main features of Don Juan's character? ★★★
- Treat Byron as a revolutionary poet and a poet of freedom. ✶✶✶
- Briefly describe the education of Donna Inez. ★★
- Why does Shelley forbid to mourn for Adonais? ★★★
- Describe the possession of mourners in "Adonais".
- What is depicted on the Urn? ★★★
- Analyze Keats' conception of beauty and truth in 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'. ✶✶✶
- How does Keats' establish the superiority of the Grecian Urn over all other earthly things?
- What is the feeling of Keats after reading Chapman's Homer? ✩✩✩
Short note and Explanations:
- Write a short note on Pantheism. ★★★
- What is 'poetic licence'? ★★★
- Write a short note on the Wedding Guest. ★★★
- Draw the significance of Death and Life-in-Death in "The Rime of the Ancient
Mariner"/Describe the spectre ship and its sailors. ★★★ - What is 'poetic licence'? ★★★
- Write a short note on the Wedding Guest. ★★★
- Draw the significance of Death and Life-in-Death in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"/Describe the spectre ship and its sailors. ★★★
Ode"? ★★
Mariner"/Describe the spectre ship and its sailors. ★★★
- Write a short note on the use of supernaturalism in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"/"
Kubla Khan". ★★★ - Explain the following line:- "Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought",
- What is Hellenism? ★★★
- Write a short note of Sensuousness. ★★★
Part C: Suggestions
Kubla Khan". ★★★
- Bring out the mystified elements in Blake's 'Songs of Innocence and of Experience'. ★★
- How does Blake represent two contrary states of human soul? ★★★
- Discuss Wordsworth's attitude towards childhood as revealed in the 'Immortality Ode'.
- Write a critical appreciation of the poem "London 1802". ★★★
- How does Coleridge mingle natural and supernatural in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"?
- "Kubla Khan is a product of sheer fancy" ---- Discuss. ★★
- Write a note on the autobiographical elements in Byron's poetry. ★★★
- 'Don Juan Canto l' is a social satire. ---- Discuss./Describe Byron as a satirist with reference to Don Juan. ★★★
- How does Shelley idealize the bird 'Skylark'? ★★★
- Write a note on Shelley's treatment of nature in 'Adonais'. ★ ★ ★
- Consider Keats as a romantic poet with reference to his odes. ★★★
- Evaluate John Keats as a poet of beauty and sensuousness. ★ ★ ★
- How is the world of mankind contrasted with that of the Nightingale in 'Ode to a Nightingale'? ★ ★ ★
The questions given here are important + forthcoming. The reason for giving more than 2/4 questions is for more than 5 common readings in the exam.
এখানে দেয়া প্রশ্নগুলো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ + আসার মতো তাই তুলে ধরা হয়েছে । ২/৪ টা প্রশ্ন বেশী দেওয়ার কারন হলো পরীক্ষায় ৫ টার বেশী কমন পড়ার জন্য।
Suggestions For Honours 2nd Year ( All Subjects)
History of English Literature Suggestions For Honours 2nd Year
Exam:- 2021+Retake
Part-B: And Part C: Suggestions
Honours Second Year Subject:- History of English Literature
Part-B: Suggestions
- What do you know about King Alfred? ★★★
- Write a short note on Beowulf. ★★★
- Write a short note on "The Black Death'. ★★
- Write a short note on Reformation. Why did reformati CSP) happen in England?
- Write a short note on Anglicanism/Protestantism. ★★★
- Write a short note on 'Renaissance' Humanism. ★★★
- Write about the Globe Theatre.
- For what is Ben Jonson remarkable in Jacobean literature? ★★★
- Write a short note on the 'Comedy of Humour'. ★★
- Who are Cavalier poets? Write a note on the qualities of them. ★★★
- What were the causes for the rise of the Puritan Age? ★★★
- In what sense is John Milton a 'Classicist'? ***
- Who is Sir Roger de Coverley? ★★★
- Write a short note on the 'Comedy of Manners/Restoration Comedy'. ★★
- Write a short note on 'Neo-Classicism'.★★★
- How does Pope reflect the critical spirit of the eighteenth century? For broad alsol ★★★
- Why is Blake called 'the precursor of Romanticism? ★★★
- Write a brief note on 'Lyrical Ballads'. ★★
- What are the characteristics of romantic poetry?★★★
- Briefly discuss Coleridge's idea of "Willing Suspension of Disbelief". ★★★
- What is Victorian Compromise? ★★★
- What is dramatic monologue? ★★
- Write a short note on Pre-Raphaelitism. ★★★
- Write a note on the woman novelists of the Victorian Age.(Jane Austen) ★★★
- What is absurd drama? ***
Part-C: Suggestions
Part-C: Suggestions
- What do you know Norman Conquest and its effect on English literature?
- Discuss the three stages of Chaucer's poetic development. Write a note on Chaucer's contribution to English literature in three phases. ★★★
- Why is the Elizabethan age called the Golden Age of English Literature? ★★★
- Write a note on 'Decadent Play'. ★★
- Assess the contribution of the University Wits to English drama. ★★★
- What age do the metaphysical poets belong to? What made them distinct poets?/Who are the Metaphysical poets? Evaluate their contribution to English poetry. ★★★
- Discuss the general characteristics of the poetry of the Neo-Classical Age. ★★★
- Why is the Eighteenth Century called an age of Prose and Reason? Illustrate your answer with reference to at least two authors of the age. ★★★
- Describe the major romantic poets and their contribution to English poetry.
- Examine the influence of the French Revolution on Romantic poetry ★★★
- 11. Consider Tennyson as a representative poet of the Victorian Age. ★★★
- Discuss the conflict between Science and Religion of the Victorian Period. ★★
- Discuss Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy as Victorian novelists. ★★★
- What do you know about the major trends in modern poetry? Discuss the salient features of modern poetry. What social picture do you notice in modern poetry? ★★★
The questions given here are important + forthcoming. The reason for giving more than 2/4 questions is for more than 5 common readings in the exam.
The questions given here are important + forthcoming. The reason for giving more than 2/4 questions is for more than 5 common readings in the exam.
এখানে দেয়া প্রশ্নগুলো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ + আসার মতো তাই তুলে ধরা হয়েছে । ২/৪ টা প্রশ্ন বেশী দেওয়ার কারন হলো পরীক্ষায় ৫ টার বেশী কমন পড়ার জন্য।