English Writing Skills Suggestion with Ans (PDF) 1st Year

- অনার্স - ১ম বর্ষ
- ইংরেজি বিভাগ
- English Writing Skills
- বিষয় কোড: 211103
- সাজেশন ২০২১ পরীক্ষা (অনুষ্ঠিত-২০২২)
- Part A Suggestions With Answer
- Part B Suggestions With Answer
- Part C Suggestions With Answer
Previous Year Brief Solution:- 2014 to 2019
Part A Suggestions With Answer
1. What is writing?Ans. Writing is the activity of composing a text.
2. What is the five-step writing process?Or,
Write down the names of stages of writing process.
Ans. The five-step writing process is: Prewriting, Drafting, Revision, Editing and Publishing.
3. What is revising/revision?
Ans. Revising means ‘re-visioning’ or ‘re-seeing’ your paper. Revision is defined as ‘a process of making changes throughout the writing of a draft, changes that work to make the draft harmonious with a writer’s changing intentions.’
4. What is proofreading?
Ans. Proofreading is the process of reading and correcting typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling.
5. What is editing?
Ans. Editing is the process of correcting and adapting a text.
1. What are the parts of a paragraph?
Ans. There are three parts in a paragraph: topic sentence, body and concluding sentence.
2. What do ‘transition signals’ mean?
Ans. Transition signals are linking words or phrases that connect our ideas and add cohesion to our writing. They indicate to the reader the relationships between sentences and between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to understand our ideas.
3. What is ‘context modulator’?
Ans. Context modulators are sentences that provide a smooth transition between two sets of ideas. It is through a context modulator the writer passes from one group of developers to the other. It is, therefore, a kind of link between two sets of ideas.
4. What is Terminator in a writing composition?
Ans. Terminators are sentences that conclude the ideas in the paragraph and bring it to a close. They summarize the contents of a paragraph logically and signal the completion of one aspect of the presentation.
5. What is a contrast paragraph?
Ans. A contrast paragraph is one that shows dissimilarities of differences between two persons, places, things, ideas, of situations. A contrast paragraph compares two subjects and discusses how they are different.
1. What are the parts of an essay?
Ans. Traditionally, an essay is made up of three parts: (i) the introductory paragraph or introduction, (ii) the body paragraphs, and (iii) the concluding paragraph.
2. Write down the names of four types of essays.
Ans. There are four major types of essays: Narrative Essay; Descriptive Essay; Expository Essay and Persuasive Essay.
3. What do you mean by thesis statement?
Ans. The main idea of an essay is expressed in the introductory paragraph. The sentence in which the main idea is expressed is called thesis statement.
4. What is the difference between a topic sentence and a thesis statement?
Ans. A topic sentence guides a paragraph while a thesis statement guides an essay.
5. What is a narrative essay?
Ans. A narrative essay is an essay that tells a story about a specific event or experience. In a narrative essay an event is chronologically narrated that has taken place.
1. What is a report?
Ans. A report is a means of conveying information to others. It is a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated.
2. What is the purpose of report writing?
Ans. The purpose of report writing is to convey some information to others.
3. What is an executive summary/abstract of a report?
Ans. An executive summary is the abridged version of a long report. It includes the aims of the report, what was found and, conclusions, and recommendations. An executive summary is neither background nor introduction to the report.
4. What is a formal report?
Ans. A formal report is a document that is written following a fixed procedure. A formal report contains information with more detail and content than the shorter report forms.
5. What is an informal report?
Ans. An informal report is usually in the form of a person to person communication within an organization. It is written without following any rules and procedure directed by an organization.
1. What is a letter?
Ans. A letter is a written message from one person to another or one party to another party containing information.
2. What are the types of formal letters?
Ans. There are different types of formal letters such as: Inquiry letters; Sales letters; Cover Letters; Invitation letter; Application; Resignation letter; Complaint letter etc.
3. How many parts are there in a formal letter?
Ans. In a formal letter there are six parts.
4. What are the parts of a formal letter?
Ans. The parts of a formal letter are: Heading, Inside address, Salutation, Body, Complementary Close, and Signature.
5. What is an informal letter?
Ans. An informal letter is a letter which is written to a friend or family.
1. What is a notice?
Ans. A notice is a written or printed announcement giving information that something is going to happen.
2. What are the characteristics of a well-written notice?
Ans. The well-written notice has: Proper heading/ title; Date of issue; Name and designation of the issuing authority; and Relevant content.
3. What is the aim of a notice?
Ans. The purpose of a notice is to announce or display information to a specific group of people.
1. To whom memos are written?
Ans. Memos can be written both to the junior and to the senior and even to the employees of equal rank.
2. What are the basic three plans of memo writing?
Ans. The basic three plans of memo writing are: Direct Plan, Indirect Plan and Combination Approach.
3. What purpose does the first sentence of the body of a memo serve?
Ans. The first sentence of the body of a memo states the purpose of the memo and/or what action the reader needs to take.
4. What is a memo?
Ans. The word ‘memo’ is short for memorandum. It is ‘a message or other information in writing sent by one person of department to another in the same business organization’.
1. What is a note?
Ans. A note is a statement of facts describing the issue under consideration, suggesting course of action to reach a decision. It is prepared to settle a matter while remaining in the framework of Rules and Regulations.
2. When is noting required?
Ans. Whenever a condition arises that a matter is to be decided by Senior Officer, a note is recorded in file.
3. Why is a note recorded?
Ans. The working of the government is a continuous affair. The officers may come and go, but the policy of the Government has to remain uniform in a given set of circumstances. It is, therefore, necessary to have a written record of the reasons for adopting a particular course of action in a case so as to ensure identical treatment to a similar case coming up in future.
4. What is a case?
Ans. ‘Case’ means a current file or a receipt together with other related paper, if any.
5. What is a current file?
Ans. Current file’ means a file action on which has not been completed.
1. What are minutes?
Or, Define minutes?
Ans. Minutes are an official record of what is said and decided in a meeting. It is brief but a complete record of the proceedings at a meeting.
2. What is the purpose of minutes?
Ans. The purpose of minutes is to provide a permanent, and publicly accessible, record of what passed at a particular meeting.
3. When are minutes final?
Ans. Minutes are final when they are approved by the members of the group to which they relate, generally in the next meeting, and signed by the chairperson.
Part-B : Short Questions
1. What are the basic stages of writing process?
2. What is brainstorming?
3. What is drafting?
4. How does one gather ideas in the pre-writing stage?
1. Define a paragraph.
2. What are the essential parts of a paragraph?
3. What is a topic sentence in a paragraph?
4. What are the functions of a topic sentence?
5. Define cohesion in writing.
6. What is context modulator?
7. What is the five-step process of paragraph development?
1. What is an essay?
2. What are the differences between the thesis statement and the topic sentence?
3. What are the three basic parts of an essay?
4. What is a narrative essay?
5. What is a descriptive essay?
6. What is an expository essay?
7. How is an expository essay different from a narrative essay?
1. What is report?
2. What makes a good report?
3. Give a format of a report?
4. What is an executive summary/abstract of a report?
5. What is formal report?
6. What is an informal report?
7. Write a short note on news report.
1. What is a letter?
2. What is a formal letter?
3. What is informal letter?
4. Write down the structure of an informal letter?
5. What is a business letter?
6. What are the qualities of a good business letter?
7. What is a cover letter?
1. What is a notice?
2. What are the purposes of notices?
3. How can you draft a notice?
4. Give the format of a notice.
5. What are the differences between a memo and a notice?
1. What is a memo?
2. What are the functions of the memo?
3. Show the structure/format of a memo.
4. Write down the basic three plans of memo writing?
5. What is the four-point plan of memo writing?
1. What is office noting?
2. Show the format/structure of the note.
3. What do you know about notes?
Press Release
1. What is a press release?
2. Show the format of a press release.
3. What are the common parts of a press release?
1. What are minutes?
2. Write about the importance of the minutes.
3. Give the format of the minutes?
4. Show the differences between press release and minutes?
5. What are the differences between job application letters and job offer letters?
6. Write a topic sentence for each of the following topics :- (a) Mobile Phone; (b) Female Education; (c) Patriotism; (d) E-mail.
Part-C : Broad Questions
Paragraph1. Internet
2. Child Labour
3. Life without a computer today
4. Abuses of Mobile Phone
5. Global Warming
6. Facebook
7. Food Adulteration
8. Role of Women in Our Society
9. Importance of Reading Good Books
10. Study of English Literature
11. Good Manners
12. Hazards of City Life
1. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
2. Facebook
3. Digital Bangladesh/ Vision 2021
4. Metro-Railway
5. Responsibilities of Media
6. Trial of the War Criminals
7. Empowerment of Women
8. Higher Education in Bangladesh
9. A Memorable Journey
10. The Celebration of Pohela Boishakh
11. Moral Education
1. Write a report on the celebration of the annual prize giving ceremony in your college.
2. Write a report for a daily newspaper on the collapse of a multi-storeyed garments factory.
3. Write a report on the kidnapping of a baby boy.
4. Suppose you are a staff correspondent to an English national daily. Now, write a news report about a launch accident.
5. Suppose you are a staff correspondent to an English daily. Now write a news report on the increase of anti-social activities in your locality.
6. Suppose a blood donation programme was held at your college. Now write a report on that programme to be published in the newspaper.
7. Suppose a woman commits suicide for dowry in your locality. Now write a newspaper report on that incident.
1. Write a letter to your brother advising him to read daily newspaper and listen to the news as well.
2. Write a letter to your father asking him to send money for buying a laptop computer.
3. Write a letter to your younger brother/sister advising him/her on the importance of having good friends.
4. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend your sister’s marriage ceremony.
5. Write a letter to your pen friend describing the natural beauty of Bangladesh.
1. Write an application to the Chairman of the department seeking permission to use the seminar library in the afternoon for drama rehearsals.
2. Write an application to the Chairman of the Department of English of your college to arrange an English debate competition.
3. Write an application to your Principal to enhance facilities on your college campus.
4. Write an application to the head of your department seeking permission to Celebrates the birthday of William Shakespeare in your department.
5. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to establish free Internet (WiFi) zone in the college campus.